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Monday, May 17, 2010

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Birthday Party Part 1

So, I realize my last post was TWO months ago. If you don't know me, I had a baby in April. Now I have two babies.... 10 1/2 months apart! So.......crafting has not been at the top of my list.  This baby (not my babybaby, just my baby) is turning ONE this week!!!

 I got some cute ideas from a friend of mine for ideas for a Very Hungry Caterpillar themed birthday party. I used the book as my template and wrote my OWN story (invitation) of "The Very Hungry Baby." Anybody who knows my baby knows he LOVES to eat and is a total oinker!! Here is the invitation.

The partyis in FIVE days....and I have nothing ready. It'll be cute though, I have it all in my head. It's just a matter of getting both babies changed/fed/sleeping at the SAME time. For long enough!

1 comment:

Party Koozie said...

What a festive party! Great job!