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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My neighbor introduced me to this super cute fun advent calendar! My kids LOVED it, and it was CHEAP to make!!

1. Buy 12 (13 if you want XMas Day) stockings. (Target had each pair for $1!)
2. Make number tags to glue onto 24 clothes pins. (I downloaded a CUTE font from, then glued to colored paper, and homemade laminated them with packing tape.)
3. Cut out small pieces of ribbon to make bows to also glue to the clothes pins. (I used silver, red, and green.)
4. Glue the number tag and ribbon to the top of the clothes pin.
5. Decide where you want to hang you socks and cut your ribbon accordingly. (We hung ours over the fireplace.)
6. Fill each stocking with enough candy for each person in your home each day. Every night, we each had a treat and read a Christmas book until the big day!!

I also found a stuffed Santa at Michael's for $2 so every day we moved him to the next stocking. (Mostly for the 5 year old. Easier for him to see how close we were getting to Christmas.)


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