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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Step Stool Mod Podged

Being pregnant and having a baby who still can't sit up in the bath yet, getting up off the floor was literally a pain in the butt! I've had this stool sitting around and decided I'd put it to use. Here's what I did

1. Measure you scrapbook paper and cut it the sizes you want. I opted to cover only parts of the stool as to not over do it.
2. Paint the stool your desired color using craft paint. I did 3-4 coats.
3. After your paint has dryed, Mod Podge your paper into the right places.
4. Let the stool dry for a few hours, then spray with Acrylic Spray to seal it.
5. Do not set anything on the stool (including your bottom!) for 4-5 days to let it completely dry.

There are SO many cute things you could do with this!! Have fun with it!!

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